
American Time Blog

What Hospitals Need to Know About Their Daylight Saving Time Clock Change

Posted by George Wilkes on Oct 18, 2018 10:44:29 AM

It's a fast-paced world out there. Hesitate for an instant and an opportunity of a lifetime can become the opportunity of someone else's lifetime. There are moments, though, when we can forgive ourselves for feeling a little off. Two moments, exactly: One day every spring and fall, when the clocks move forward or backward as we go through the ritual period of recalibration we call Daylight Saving Time.

Still, in this periodically forgiving model of reality, there is one place where you can never be off. If you work in a hospital, you aren't allowed to have a bad day. That's because people's health depends on hospital staff being at their best.

To get the most out of your staff, it helps if they arrive to work every day at a smoothly operating facility. There's one foundational technology at the heart of every such place: the clocks.

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Topics: Daylight Saving Time

Meet Bill Vokes: Our 2018 Maintenance Hero

Posted by Carmen Kaufenberg on Oct 10, 2018 1:20:33 PM

When your work becomes more than just a job, others begin to take notice. That's why Bill Vokes, director of maintenance and grounds at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, was named our 2018 Maintenance Hero. Bill received more than a dozen nominations from colleagues who praised his dedication to the institution.

The contest, which launched last year, was open to any organization in any industry that wished to nominate a valued maintenance professional who routinely goes above and beyond in the workplace but receives little recognition for it. Bill received $3,000 in American Time product credit for taking first place. Jeannie Donovan, head custodian at Sylvania Northview High School in Sylvania, Ohio, and Mel O'Campo, facilities manager at Santa Maria Foursquare Church in Santa Maria, California, were the runners-up. Each runner-up received $1,000 in American Time product credit.

We learned a lot about each nominee thanks to those that provided nominations. Here's what we learned about Bill.

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Synchronize Your Facilities Clocks for a No-Hassle Daylight Savings Time

Posted by Samantha Walz on Oct 4, 2018 8:33:01 AM

There are many societal norms we can rebel against if we want. Not hungry in the morning? You can skip breakfast. Tired of the 9 to 5? You can buy a Volkswagen van and tour the country until you run out of money.

Usually, if something doesn't feel right, you can just opt out, practical repercussions aside. But there is one imperial force against which individual rebellion is futile: Daylight Savings Time begins November 3rd.

Not every region follows the practice, but if you happen to find yourself in the vast majority of the U.S. where clocks are set forward an hour in the spring and back again in the fall, this is one instance where you'll make it easier on yourself by going with the flow.

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Topics: Daylight Saving Time

5 Undeniable Benefits of New Master Clock Controllers

Posted by Samantha Walz on Sep 19, 2018 11:30:50 AM

If the march of time means progress, then it is only fitting that the devices that track  time are also subject to innovations along the way.

In a world that becomes more connected every day, so are the synchronized clock systems that coordinate our lives. At the heart of such a system is the master system controller, also known as the master clock. This device ties together all the clocks throughout a facility.

The master clock sends the time signal to the secondary clocks, making sure they all tick as one, but newer versions synchronize time in truer fashion and are easier to use.

Here, we'll explain how the latest master controllers differ from the models of yesteryear.

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Topics: Synchronized Clock Systems

Top Considerations When Choosing Clocks for Your Manufacturing Facility

Posted by Scott Ramacier on Sep 13, 2018 10:10:34 AM

For some purchases, the quantity you need is easy to determine. Car tires or shoes? Piece of cake. But other consumer decisions require a little more thought when you're figuring out how much to buy.

If you're outfitting your manufacturing facility with a synchronized clock system, determining just how many units you need isn't a straightforward proposition. The answer depends not only on the size of your space but its layout and purpose.

Here are some ways to gauge how many clocks you need in your facility, where to place them, and which types of devices are the best fit.

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Topics: EverAlert

American Time's 2018 Maintenance Hero Contest Is Here

Posted by American Time on Sep 5, 2018 3:41:04 PM

It's back! American Time is excited to announce the 2nd annual Maintenance Hero Contest. This contest is open to any organization - private, public, nonprofit, educational or others - that wishes to nominate their invaluable maintenance professional.

At American Time, we take recognition seriously. And recognizing Maintenance Heroes is a passion of ours because they keep businesses humming in just about every industry imaginable. You know who they are, our ghostbusters, our supermen and superwomen, there to save the day when something is (quite literally) falling apart. Unfortunately, often times their heroism is behind the scenes and goes unnoticed. Maintenance professionals and are an integral part of any successful business and juggle a wide variety of skills to make sure everyone can keep moving.

George Wilkes, president of American Time says, "We're happy to to continue the contest and spotlight more Maintenance Heroes who are making a difference in their workplace." Take this chance to nominate your maintenance superhero and give them the recognition they deserve!

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Topics: News

What Master Clock is Best for Clock Synchronization?

Posted by Scott Ramacier on Aug 29, 2018 12:22:00 PM

Master clocks have been keeping time synchronized in schools, hospitals, factories and offices for a long, long time. Like the conductor of an Orchestra keeping musicians moving to the same beat, the master clock keeps everyone moving at the right pace, by ensuring that every clock in its system is showing the same time.

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Topics: Synchronized Clock Systems, AllSync, SiteSync

How Evolving Technology Enhances Synchronized Digital Clocks

Posted by American Time on Jul 25, 2018 8:56:02 AM

Technology is like sand on the beach. It has a way of getting everywhere.

There was a time when a phone was just a phone and a TV was just a TV, but technological advances have ways of seeping into the everyday objects around us. We have smartphones, smart TVs, even smart toasters. This also extends to clocks.

Advances in timekeeping have made it easier for people to manage and tell time, but some digital clocks are now portals to the outside world.

Here are some functions beyond the basics of timekeeping that can be integrated into a synchronized digital clock system:

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Topics: EverAlert

Set the Standard: How To Ensure Accurate Clock Synchronization

Posted by American Time on Jul 11, 2018 11:01:03 AM

For anyone who takes direction from someone else — so, virtually all of us — it can be comforting to realize that your boss has a boss.

You might be told what to do every day and work under intense scrutiny, but the person scrutinizing you is also under pressure. See? Your boss is human, too.

But not all authority figures are human. Take, for instance, the clock on the wall. In a time-sensitive scenario, the clock is your boss, and if it's part of a synchronized system, the time it displays supersedes all other competing sources, such as phones or computers.

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Topics: Synchronized Clock Systems

What Clock System is Best for My College Campus?

Posted by American Time on Jun 6, 2018 9:27:39 AM

When you think of choreography, you probably picture your favorite music video or your kid's dance recital, or anything with a lot of synchronized twists, steps, and spins.

But there are a lot of things that have to be choreographed, such as a typical day on a college campus. It can be a beautiful thing to watch the teeming masses scurry across a stately campus in the pursuit of knowledge, and like any graceful production, it requires an eye for detail.

When you think about the clock system that ties your campus schedule together, one detail you must consider is which type of clock you should install. Also, it's important to know that in the world of synchronized clocks, Wi-Fi and wireless mean two different things. Let's explore which type of clock works best for you, depending on the size of your campus.

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Topics: School Clock Systems, Higher Education

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