
American Time Blog

"EverAlert fit all the needs we had with one solution."  An introduction to Esko School District's adoption of the EverAlert communication system.

Posted by Zach Bauman on Jul 2, 2024 9:28:25 AM

When the paging and bell system at Esko Public Schools needed parts, the problem was greater than simply replacing a few components. Purchased and installed in 1998, the system was only produced by the manufacturer for a single year – sourcing new parts just wasn’t an option.

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Topics: School Clock Systems, EverAlert, schools, school safety

School District of Sheboygan Falls Completes District-Wide EverAlert Project

Posted by Zach Bauman on May 23, 2024 1:54:29 PM


SHEBOYGAN FALLS, WI, May 23, 2024  -- American Time is pleased to announce that the School District of Sheboygan Falls has completed a significant facility improvement effort within the district, a project that included the installation of over 300 American Time EverAlert devices throughout all of the district's school buildings.

Complex Security Solutions, American Time's partner in the eastern Wisconsin area, provided the district with a complete safety and security solutions improvement package.

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Topics: School Clock Systems, EverAlert, schools, school safety

How To: Keep Large Spaces Informed and Devices Protected

Posted by Zach Bauman on Apr 24, 2024 8:22:32 AM

In late 2023, Esko Public School in northeastern Minnesota embarked on an ambitious project to implement American Time's EverAlert system throughout their entire K-12 school building.

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Topics: News, EverAlert, Emergency Notification Systems, schools, school safety

Creating More Effective Lockdown and Armed Intruder Drills and Protocols with EverAlert

Posted by Zach Bauman on May 16, 2023 8:30:14 AM


Like fire drills and tornado drills, lockdown and intruder drills have become commonplace in our schools.

Because these drills and the emergency plans they're designed to test and reinforce are responsible for keeping students safe, it's important to be sure that your protocols are efficient and effective.

With American Time's EverAlert system, you can be confident that you're providing your students and staff with the tools and information they need to be safe.  

How?  We're glad you asked...

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Topics: EverAlert, schools, school safety

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