
American Time Blog

How Evolving Technology Enhances Synchronized Digital Clocks

Posted by American Time on Jul 25, 2018 8:56:02 AM

synchronized digital clocks

Technology is like sand on the beach. It has a way of getting everywhere.

There was a time when a phone was just a phone and a TV was just a TV, but technological advances have ways of seeping into the everyday objects around us. We have smartphones, smart TVs, even smart toasters. This also extends to clocks.

Advances in timekeeping have made it easier for people to manage and tell time, but some digital clocks are now portals to the outside world.

Here are some functions beyond the basics of timekeeping that can be integrated into a synchronized digital clock system:

Countdown or Count Up

The advent of digital clocks brought greater flexibility to timekeeping. Now, the clock on the wall doesn't always have to display just the time. In a school hallway, for example, your digital clock can provide a countdown between classes. In a hospital's operating room, your digital clock can count up to track elapsed time.

Widespread Communication

The most advanced clocks are now communication tools. They can keep a building or campus notified of regular happenings, monitor the weather, and send out audible alerts.

They can include digital signage, emergency communications, and synchronized timekeeping. For building operators who use different vendors for each of these functions, evolving clock technology allows them to streamline everyday operations while enhancing preparation for critical scenarios.

Emergency Notifications

Some digital clocks, like American Time's EverAlert®, do all of the above — serving as an integrated notification system that makes sure everyone has the information they need, exactly when they need it. With digital displays that can be placed strategically throughout a building, a clock like EverAlert® can show daily announcements, lunch schedules, shift schedules — any message you want to spread.

On some occasions, you don't just need to communicate with building occupants, but with professionals on the outside. EverAlert® automatically notifies the authorities to aid rapid response in some emergency scenarios. Two examples being a lockdown situation or a triggered fire alarm.

RELATED: School Safety: How EverAlert® Communicates During Severe Weather

Thanks to evolving technology, you can easily find a clock that suits your needs.

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