
American Time Blog

Digital vs. Analog Clocks: Which is Right for Your Facility?

Posted by Tom Nelson on Aug 23, 2017 9:19:29 AM

analog clocks

In business, finding a winning formula takes on many forms. Sometimes a single niche product can create profit. In other cases though, a diverse set of solutions may be the key to success. That certainly applies to synchronized clock systems. Sometimes one kind of clock can be best for your system, but in others, a combination of digital and analog clocks might be the right solution for your facility.

Let's look at a few examples to help you understand where analog, digital, or both types of clocks are the right answer for a school or business.

Analog Clocks: The Right Call for Schools

One common situation where analog clocks make sense is a synchronized network inside a school. Younger students learning to tell time can easily reference analog clocks placed throughout school buildings. These clocks assist in teaching many different time concepts, like long and short hands, 60 minutes in an hour, and the meaning of half and quarter past the hour.

Analog clocks also feature a wider variety of looks and styles. They come with different sizes and styles of bezels, like wood, steel or plastic. The hands and numbers in these clocks also come with many options.

Digital Clocks: Boosting Profits in Business

When coordinating shift changes and getting people to meetings in a timely fashion, digital clocks can really get the job done for your business. These clocks have bright, easy-to-read numbers, so employees can see time from long distances, ensuring efficiency during shift changes or meeting deadlines.

Digital clocks also have a countdown setting, so workers can better gauge when to get their tasks completed. A precise time setting also can record tasks down to the second, which is critical for record-keeping.

Analog and Digital Clocks: A Winning Combination

Some facilities have a mixed environment of office and production spaces. In these instances, a combination of clocks might be the way to go. For example, analog clocks can create a certain aesthetic feel that better lends itself to an office setting. In the production or manufacturing areas, digital clocks create better visibility for workers, who may need to keep track of getting tasks completed in certain timed stages. The digital clock makes these time constraints a little easier to manage.

Whether you choose either analog or digital clocks, or a combination of both, you may need to include a reliable master clock to keep all the devices in your network running synchronously. The master clock should be able to easily acquire time from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Clock Consult

Topics: School Clock Systems, Hybrid Clock Systems

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