
American Time Blog

Architects & Engineers: How to Build in Safety, Communication and Efficiency

Posted by American Time on Mar 10, 2020 3:07:46 PM

When someone walks into a building, their experience is essential. Occupants and visitors should feel safe and secure. Technology should support efficient work and precise, real-time communications.

Digital communication and signage in a building is an effective way to achieve this. In addition to sharing important daily news and messaging capabilities, modern communication platforms can deliver emergency alerts and clear instructions for keeping individuals safe and secure. In other words, a communication platform is most valuable when it can be used for both routine daily messaging and to bolster and reinforce critical emergency alerts. Let’s look at a few specific examples.

Communication Platforms in Education

Digital communication technology can deliver daily school news on display screens throughout classrooms and hallways. During emergency scenarios, such as tornado drills or lockdowns, pre-written messages will automatically display and deliver customized instructions depending on the room or area of a building. In fact, emergency communication is the deciding factor in almost any crisis.

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For routine communications, individual classroom teachers can be given the option to customize daily messages for their rooms, such as test reminders. Go here to learn how one school uses the EverAlert communication platform.

EverAlert’s multiple uses give your clients a more trusted, connected and safe experience for everyone who enters their space. 

Communication Platforms in Offices

EverAlert-officeLike educational environments, a digital communication platform in an office or business setting can be used to share important daily reminders and messages, and as an important redundancy for emergency situations. From lockdown drills to medical emergencies, the displays can immediately communicate what action employees need to take.

In loud office settings, such as call centers or those with equipment running, a communication platform can also display a flashing screen to catch the attention of employees who may not hear an alarm. Visual alerts are also helpful for those with hearing impairments.

Communication Platforms in Retail Stores


On a daily basis, communication platforms with large displays in retail stores can inform shoppers of promotions, new brands, product details and store news. In times of emergency, such as tornado warnings or active shooter scenarios, the platform can deliver audio and visual alerts and information on how shoppers and employees can stay safe – including messaging in multiple languages.

The EverAlert Communication Platform:

Improving Safety, Communication and Efficiency EverAlert from American Time is a unique communications platform that architects and engineers can incorporate to give clients a more trusted, connected and safe experience for themselves and everyone who enters their building.

EverAlert is a cloud-based platform that delivers digital messaging, emergency notifications and synchronized time across a building or an entire campus.

Safety and Security


EverAlert delivers visual and audio alerts during emergency situations such as tornado drills, lockdowns, medical emergencies and even weather alerts. These alerts can be accompanied with room-specific instructions, such as “Use Stairwell B to Exit,” to give everyone clear instructions on how to remain safe.

  • Seamless communication when emergency bells and systems are triggered
  • Visual cues give those with special needs or impairments clear direction
  • Ability to integrate with systems like fire, P.A. and lockdown via a contact closure relay, which triggers EverAlert screens to display pre-written messages and directions.
  • Integration with NOAA for severe weather alerts, watches and warnings

Effective Communications

Use EverAlert to display daily organizational news, reminders and updates. Flexible messaging options deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time!

  • Share messages by room or department to minimize the use of distracting P.A. systems
  • Pre-load message templates or customize your own messages
  • Analog or digital clocks display options keep everyone on time and minimize the need for a separate clock system

Blend in with the Brand

EverAlert-Caribou_R-PEverAlert displays are sleek, simple and elegant.

  • Screens can include colors and images to reflect an organization’s brand
  • Reinforces brand awareness and pride
  • EverAlert can display on a variety of screen sizes that best match a building’s needs

EverAlert’s multiple uses give your clients a more trusted, connected and safe experience for everyone who enters their space.

Download the EverAlert Product Family Spec. Sheet


Topics: Synchronized Clock Systems, EverAlert, Architecture, Engineering

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