
American Time Blog

Carmen Dimond

Carmen has been a clock expert in tech support for a number of years.

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How to Integrate an AllSync Clock Replacement into Your Synchronized Clock System

Posted by Carmen Dimond on Feb 14, 2018 10:10:00 AM

Remember the days when you would go to a place called a TV repair shop if your TV stopped working? A friendly technician would survey the damage, diagnose the problem, maybe order a new part or two, and make it as good as new.

Now, most consumer goods are disposable, but people do still fix some things. For example, the kind of clocks that are on the walls of schools, hospitals and other facilities around the world.

If one of the clocks on your clock system stops working, you have the option to either replace the broken part or replace the clock altogether. In either case, you can use American Time's AllSync, which is designed to work with most major clock systems - even the brands that are no longer manufactured.

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Topics: Clock Maintenance and Repairs, AllSync

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