
American Time Blog

Zach Bauman

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How to Find Your Synchron Motor Replacement

Posted by Zach Bauman on Sep 1, 2022 8:30:00 AM

We get calls every day from folks searching for Synchron Motors, sometimes also known as Hanson motors or movement motors.

Synchron motors can show up in lots of places.  They're frequently encountered in mechanically animated advertising signs, damper controls on HVAC, water heaters and other electrical equipment. 

These motors were also commonly used in synchronized clocks, particularly those tied to legacy wired clock systems from companies like Cincinnati, Faraday, Edwards, Simplex, and American Time.

While many of the complete clock movements using Synchron motors are now obsolete, we are still able to provide the motors themselves in some cases.

But, for those clocks where movements just aren't available anymore, there are still options.

Whether it's for a clock or something else using a Synchron motor, let's take a look at how we can find the parts you need.

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Topics: Clock Maintenance and Repairs

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