
American Time School Blog

[Case Study] New IQ Wireless Clock System Solves an "Old School" Problem at Trinity Episcopal

Posted by American Time on May 8, 2019 4:00:27 PM

If you’ve got an older building, it likely has a wired clock system. And some of those clocks may be failing or require regular maintenance that sucks up time and energy from your maintenance team. Plus, what will you do for synchronized time if you expand or remodel your building or campus?

That’s the beauty of the SiteSync IQ Wireless Clock System. SiteSync IQ wireless clocks are one of the few technologies on the market that can work with a legacy wired clock system or a newer wireless system. Plus, as your wired clocks burn out, they can simply be replaced by one of our wireless clocks – even if the brand isn’t American Time!

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Topics: Wireless Clock Systems

Saved By The Bell: How Wireless Relays Make The Bells Ring On Time

Posted by Tom Nelson on Oct 19, 2016 1:07:21 PM

There are many advantages to a wireless clock system. One of the most critical is the ability to operate a lot of different systems all from a central computer screen in synchronized harmony. How does the system make school bells (or anything else) ring on time? We can thank the magic of wireless relays, which can turn just about anything on and off when you need them.

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Topics: School Clock Systems, Wireless Clock Systems

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